ContributorsPractice of PsychotherapyThe Conversational ModelSelf PsychologyNotions of SelfBrief Interpersonal Therapies Dialectical Behaviour TherapyCognitive Behavioural TherapyAccept. & Commit. Therapy Attachment Child and AdolescentEMDRBody Oriented TherapiesAdvances in Neuroscience Art TherapyMindfulnessYoga and TherapyTestimonial TherapyEditors Review

The psyche in health and illness seeks to provide a forum for professionals and the general public with an interest in mental health, mental illness and personal growth and development.
We aim to include a diverse range of topics within this broad field and we hope to provide the opportunity for creative debate about new ideas while also providing work of historical and contextual interest.
Many of our presentations are by invited speakers who are experienced clinicians and leaders in their fields. Topics covered include psychology, psychiatry, the range of psychotherapies, neuroscience, phenomenology and philosophy.
Contributions are welcome and contact details are given below. Presentations and papers submitted will undergo a peer review process before being put on our website.
We hope that all contributions will illuminate some aspect of the psyche and enhance mutual understanding and personal growth.
Kamal Touma
Chief Editor
Dr Kamal Touma is a medical psychotherapist in private practice in Sydney, Australia. He trained in the Conversational Model of psychotherapy at Westmead hospital, in EMDR and in sexual therapy. He is a fellow of the Australian College of Sexual Health Medicine and the Australian College of Psychological Medicine. He is the principal of Audio Visual Archives.
Robert Bosnak
Robert Bosnak is a Dutch Jungian analyst, graduate of the C.G.Jung Institute in Zurich, who after 26 years in private practice in Cambridge Mass., moved to Sydney, Australia in 2003.
In the late 1970's Robert Bosnak pioneered a radically new method of Embodied Imagination, based loosely on the work of C.G.Jung, especially on Jung's technique of active imagination and his studies of Alchemy. His techniques are applied worldwide, by therapists, artists, actors, and others interested in the creative imagination. Robert Bosnak first book, A Little Course in Dreams was translated into 12 languages. Since then he has written Christopher's Dreams: Dreaming and Living with AIDS and Tracks in the Wilderness of Dreaming, and the forthcoming Embodiment: Creative Imagination in Medicine, Art and Travel, in which he describes his techniques in details. Robert Bosnak is past president of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and was professor of clinical psychology at Kyoto University, Japan.
Nooria Mehraby
Refugee Trauma & Cross Cultural approaches
Dr Nooria Mehraby (MD) is a senior clinician at the NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS).
Herself a refugee, Nooria has more than 20 years work experience with refugees both overseas and in Australia.
Nooria graduated as a medical doctor from Kabul University Afghanistan in 1983. She worked as a lecturer at Kabul University, concurrently completing her Masters of Pathology (1986), and as a general practitioner until 1987 when she and her family were forced to flee to Pakistan. She arrived in Australia in 1993.
In 1995 Nooria was employed by STARTTS as a bi-cultural counsellor for the Middle Eastern communities. As a trained Trauma Counsellor she continued her education and obtained a Masters of Counselling degree with distinction from University of Western Sydney.
Nooria is an experienced national and international conference speaker and is the author of multiple publications (including textbook contributions) on refugee trauma, cross cultural counselling and working with children. Nooria is also the editor of Interface Column; a Consideration of Difference, in the National Journal of Psychotherapy in Australia. Her Particular interest is on developing cross-cultural therapeutic interventions with Refugees.
Peter Blake
Child and adolescent
Peter Blake is a Senior Clinical Psychologist and a Tavistock trained Child Psychotherapist. Over the last thirty five years he has worked in Child and Family teams in Community Heaklth Centres in England and Australia. He was the Foundation President of the Child Psychoanalytic Foundation, which is a charity based in Sydney. He is currently Director of The Institue of Child and Adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (ICAPP),an Institute that offers training in analytic child and adolescent psychotherapy. He is editor of the Child Psychoanalytic Gazette. He has lectured in a number of Australian Universities and given lectures and workshops to professionals across Australia. He is in private practice in Sydney.
Jutta Lennard
Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychology Interest Group
Jutta Lennard is a psychologist (B.A. Psych (Hons) Syd Uni) and psychotherapist in private practice. Jutta is a member of the Australian Psychological Society (APS) and presently the secretary of the Psychoanalytically Oriented Psychology Interest Group (POPIG) of the APS.
Jutta trained originally in Gestalt Therapy and Psychodrama in Germany. She practised, supervised and taught as a Gestalt Therapist both in Germany and Australia. Over the last decade, Jutta has been interested in how thinking and behaviour can be motivated by the unconscious mind. She trained in psychoanalytic theory and practice and now integrates her knowledge of experiential and cognitive therapies with her knowledge of psychoanalysis.
Mirjana Askovic
Co-editor Applied Neuroscience
Ms. Mirjana Askovic is a psychologist (B.A. Psych (Hons) with 20 years of clinical experience in work with children and adults. She received her training from the University of Belgrade and studied developmental psychology and neuropsychological diagnostics before emigrating to Australia. For the last 9 years she has been working at STARTTS, a Sydney based centre for treatment of refugee survivors of torture and trauma. Her major focus for the last five years has been in integrating the use of neurofeedback with psychotherapy, family and social support in work with chronic, complex PTSD. This work has resulted in the establishment of STARTTS Neurofeedback Clinic in 2007.
Mirjana is an experienced national and international conference speaker and is the author of multiple publications on neurofeedback, children?s psychological development and counselling.
Sejla Tukelija
Co-editor Applied Neuroscience
Sejla Tukelija is a senior clinician at the NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS) and is a registered Psychologist. Sejla has more than 14 years of work experience with clients who have experienced chronic and complex trauma. Since 1998 Sejla has been employed with STARTTS first as a Counsellor in the Early Intervention Program and later as a Clinician Trainer. In her role as Clinician Trainer Sejla was coordinated and facilitated the Clinical Master Classes that featured many local and overseas experts on working in the specialised field of trauma. She also facilitated the Professional Development Training Program aimed to further the skills and knowledge of clinicians working with refugee trauma. Currently Sejla is part of the STARTTS? Neurofeedback Clinic and in this capacity has presented nationally and internationally at conferences on issues related to complex trauma and Neurofeedback.
Rhonda Gibson-Long
Gestalt Therapy
(Master Gestalt Therapy, B.Sc, Dip Ed, RSA) graduated from Sydney Gestalt Institute in 1993 and has been a trainer since 1997. She runs a full time private practice from her office in Kingsford, delivers Gestalt based lectures at various counselling colleges and presents Art and Gestalt workshops. She has extensive experience in Adult Education and school counselling, and is interested in expanding methodologies used to train adults. After studying Buddhism philosophy and meditation techniques in India she has a special interest in the spiritual aspects of psychotherapeutic healing.
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