Amanda Dowd is a Jungian Analyst and psychoanalytic psychotherapist who trained in Australia and is a member of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Jungian Analysts (ANZSJA) and the International Association of Analytical Psychology (IAAP). She has a private practice comprising people from diverse backgrounds and ethnicities located in the eastern suburbs of Sydney, where she has worked for almost twenty years. Amanda is a British-born migrant to Australia who spent her adolescent and university years in Christchurch, New Zealand. She has a background in ecology, ancient history and religious studies.
Her theoretical orientation is developmental and relational, and her particular interests are trauma and the formation of mind, self, identity and cultural identity, and especially the relationship between self and place, and what happens in the interface between person and culture. She has lectured and published widely on these themes both at home and internationally, most recently in St Petersberg, Russia. Her book, ?Placing Psyche: Exploring Cultural Complexes in Australia?, co-edited with Dr Craig San Roque and Dr David Tacey, was published earlier this year.
Amanda G. Dowd