ERPs: the what, where, why and how of event-related electrical potentials

Profossor C Richard Clark

This seminar will offer a basic account of event-related potentials for those who have little familiarity with them. It will cover how the ERP is obtained from the EEG, the assumptions underlying its derivation, and the problems involved in its extraction, but will presume a reasonable understanding of the EEG and how it derives from the electrical potentials of neurones. The seminar will review the major ERP components, their scalp distribution and the psychological functions they index, and provide a discussion of a number of the issues and techniques related to component identification from the ERP waveform. Issues and techniques relating to localising ERP components in the brain are also addressed.

Applied Neuroscience Society of Australia Annual Conference 2013
24 - 25 Aug 2013
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C Richard Clark
C Richard Clark
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ERPs: the what, where, why and how of event-related electrical potentials C Richard Clark 1:28'37"
ERPs: the what, where, why and how of event-related electrical potentials C Richard Clark  
ERPs: the what, where, why and how of event-related electrical potentials C Richard Clark  

Profossor C Richard Clark

Richard Clark is Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Flinders University, where he is a past Head of School. He has been internationally recognised  for  his contributions to cognitive neuroscience and in the provision of some of the initial evidence of brain changes in many disorders of psychological function, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, attention deficit disorder, anxiety, autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. Whilst at Flinders University, he developed one of the first cognitive science programs in Australia, combining knowledge, conceptual frameworks and academic expertise from a range of disciplines including psychology, medicine, biology, linguistics, mathematics, computer science, engineering and philosophy. He has published over 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals, articles and books and during his career, with colleagues, has attracted over $5 million dollars in research funds from local and national funding bodies. In addition to a career in research, he has practiced as a clinician for over 30 years, initially focusing on the neuropsychological assessment of psychopathological conditions, with an emphasis on assessing brain as well as psychological function to provide a more objective understanding of functional loss. Over the last 10 years his practice has also focused on combining psychotherapy and neurotherapy in the treatment of many disorders of mental health.  He has been instrumental in Australia in helping establish the regulated use of neurotherapy as an adjunct to conventional psychotherapies, contributing to the development of clinical practice standards and the creation of a national accreditation authority. He is on the National Executive of the Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia, on the Board of the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance Australia. He is a past-President of the Australasian Society for Psychophysiology, past-Patron of the Brain Injury Network of South Australia, is on the Editorial Board of the journal, Clinical EEG & Neuroscience, and is a Fellow of the Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia and of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
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